Yummy Battenberg Recipe!

Yummy Battenberg Recipe!

Hello everybody!

Wow I’ve had a long break from blogging… post on that very soon! But I thought I would pop on a wonderful little recipe for battenberg cake which I made today. Enjoy!



4oz softened butter

4oz caster sugar

4oz self raising flour

2 large eggs

1 tsp baking powder

2oz ground rice

Red food colouring

Almond paste if desired


Apricot jam


Icing sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°c, and grease and line a square baking tin. The tin I use is an 18cm square tin, not too deep.
  2. Add the butter, sugar, flour, eggs, baking powder and ground rice into a mixing bowl and beat for about two minutes, or until it is smooth. Have a boogie to Beyoncé as you beat the mixture, it’ll go quick as a flash.
  3. Split the mixture in half. Put half of the mixture carefully onto the right side of your baking tray.
  4. Add a few drops of red food colouring into the mixture you have left in the bowl. Mix it until it is a deep pink colour. If you were really fun you could mix things up and have some different coloured sponge in your Battenberg; go wild you only live once.


  5. Carefully spoon this mixture onto the other side of the tin, make sure the line between the two colours is smooth, and make sure your mixture is even. Smooth over the surface.
  6. Pop it into the oven and bake for about 35-40mins. Once it is cooked, check it springs back when touched, and maybe try the skewer test like I did. Leave it to cool for a few minutes in the tin, then put it on a cooling tray to fully cool down. Remove baking paper.


  7. Once your sponge is cool, trim the sides and cut it down the middle so you have two sponges each a different colour. Then cut the sponges in half again, so you have four long pieces of sponge, two of each colour.
  8. Warm the jam in a pan, and use this to stick your sponges together in a checkerboard style. Pop some jam on the top of the sponge, ready for the marzipan.


  9. Sprinkle some icing sugar on your surface, and roll out you marzipan. This can be tricky and I had a small disaster when my marzipan decided to stick completely to the surface. After wailing for a moment I was handed a scraper to scrape it off the surface and start again. Dust your surface well.
  10. Once rolled out, pop your sponge on one side of the marzipan, then wrap the marxipan round the cake. Make sure you pinch the corners and edge so it stays together.
  11. As a finishing touch, you could score a pattern on the top of the Battenberg, or sprinkle some icing sugar on top.
  12. Pop the kettle on, call your mates and have a gossip with a lovely cup of tea and some yummy Battenberg, and listen as your friends shower you with baking compliments. Job done.




Love Sophie xx

Planning a Little Tea Party

Planning a Little Tea Party


Hey guys!

So in celebration of me completing my Early Years Teacher Status I thought what better way to celebrate than to have a Tea Party with my closest friends. I wanted to post some ideas and create a little mood board including some cute ideas for a party, such as colour themes and décor. I love to look at other blogger’s party ideas so if you have any links to cute decorations feel free to comment and share!

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I love the whole idea of an outdoor tea party theme, with lots of bunting and lots of flowers to create a bright and pretty area that’s relaxed and laid back. It needs a vintage/floral/bright theme running through it and a lot of summery colours and shades, as well as vintage tea cups and teapots! I’m inviting about ten to fifteen people, so something quirky and also relaxed is what I’m thinking of, it will have some lovely personal touches as well.

Here are some ideas for my party:

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BeFunky Collage

Now that I’d found a great theme for my party I need to get some invites out, otherwise said friends wouldn’t be coming. I need something fast and preferably something easy, and that’s how I came across paperless post. The idea of online invites is genius to me, a lot of my friends are online as well so it makes sense. I can’t believe the range of invites they have, and I have found myself browsing the website looking through all their beautiful designs. Check them out here!

Here are some examples of some of the wonderful designs:

free card free card1 teainvite teainvite2

The website is so cute and a good resource to inspire my party ideas too! It has some more quirky ideas rather than the bog standard ones you normally find, you can personalise your cards or invites and they even have the option of buying them or they have a range of free ones too if you have a budget for your party. I love them!

So if you have a party coming up let me know about it, and share your ideas I would love to see them. And check out https://www.paperlesspost.com/cards/section/invitations for some cute and quirky invites!

I look forward to hearing all about your party 🙂

Love Sophie x


Gran’s Rock Cakes

Gran’s Rock Cakes

Hey guys.

So on Saturday my beautiful and wonderful Gran passed away.

It’s all very raw still and it’s early days but I feel I need to keep busy and fill my time with small happy moments amongst all of the sadness.

I want to dedicate this post to one of her very favourite recipes The Rock Cake. My earliest memories are (I must have been about five years old) standing in her kitchen licking the spoon covered in rock cake mixture. I remember them being HUGE and can even imagine the smell now! She absolutely loved baking, and made the best cakes. So I feel like it is my job now to bake and preserve her memory.



8oz Self raising flour
pinch of salt
4oz margarine/butter
3oz raisins or dried fruit
2oz caster sugar
1 egg
A little milk to mix
Demerara sugar to sprinkle

BeFunky Collage scone


  1. Heat the oven to 190°C, grease/line two baking trays.
  2. Mix the flour and salt, rub in margarine,
  3. Stir in raisins/dried fruit.
  4. Stir in sugar.
  5. Mix to a stiff dough with the egg and a little milk.
  6. Roughly place on tray and sprinkle a little demerara sugar over the top of each cake.
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes


If you happen to make some rock cakes, I would love to see your links and photographs so feel free to paste them in the comments. Make some happy memories with your loved ones that you can always look back on.

Enjoy a cake with a lovely cup of tea, and think of all the great times you’ve had and have yet to come.

Love you Granny xx

Healthy Flapjacks – Perfect For Lunchboxes

Healthy Flapjacks – Perfect For Lunchboxes

So when I lived in Australia, I used to make these flapjack bars ALL THE TIME. They’re such a good way of piling in fruits and seeds into a yummy bar. The kiddies I used to look after loved them and always wanted more! We’d have so much fun thinking about what ingredients to use and it’s so exciting experimenting with flavours together!


You can use any array of dried fruits/nuts/seeds, whatever you fancy really, this time I opted for dried apricots, dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds, so lots of energy to get the brain and body warmed up!

The method is pretty simple, just remember you need to melt the butter, syrup and sugar on a low heat, you don’t want to burn it!

Have fun!

BeFunky Collage


200g butter (I used dairy free butter but you can use either)
150g light muscovado sugar
100g golden syrup
350g oats
100-150g chopped dried fruits/nuts/seeds


Melt the butter, sugar and syrup in a pan (you could microwave it if you like, whatever suits!) slowly, stir as it melts.
Once it has all melted and dissolved, take it off the heat.
Pour in the oats and the dried fruits/nuts/seeds and mix well.
Make sure all the oats are covered and the syrup is mixed well throughout all the ingredients.
Press into a lined/greased tin (I used a 12 x 8” tin) and bake for about 25 minutes at 180°C.
Let it cool in the tin for about 10-15 minutes before cutting it into bars.

Some yummy ideas for other fillings:

Coconut and a sprinkling of dark chocolate
Dried cranberries and white chocolate chunks
Almonds and sunflower seeds
Banana chips, crumbled pecans and chopped fudge
Tropical mix – dried pineapple and coconut
Coconut and dried raspberries or cranberries
Glacé cherries and sliced almonds

So have lots of fun making these whether it be with your kiddies or just a treat for yourself or a treat for your lunchbox, and feel free to show me 😀


Sophie xx

In need of a little motivation…

In need of a little motivation…

Hello everyone, and happy Sunday. Sunday again! Why does it seem that Friday evening comes around so slowly and then all fo a sudden it’s Sunday evening? Time just goes way too fast. I wish I had more time to post blog posts, I really want to but I have a huuuuge amount of uni work to do. After a long day at uni on Friday I came home with a very heavy head full of lists of things to do, stuff I’m in the middle of and a billion deadlines. But I love it. I can’t complain, I am so glad to be doing what I’m doing even if at times I feel like there is no time for anything else.

One thing I have learned is to give yourself regular proper breaks. So get outside, meet up with friends, get your hair done. Whatever makes you happy and allows you to take a break from work.

I thought I’d post some motivational quotes I keep looking at to get me motivated and remind me why I’m working my bum off!

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I always look on my Pinterest for motivational quotes so have a little gander there for some more motivational pins. And if you want to follow me that’d be awesome!

Do you have any motivational quotes you live by?

Love Soph xx


Marvellous Marble Cake!

Marvellous Marble Cake!

So this cake came about when I was feeling a little bit sorry for myself, and needed something scrummy to have with a nice cup of tea. It’s so unbelievably easy to make, and even yummier to eat! The prep time is only about 10-15 minutes, and it takes less than an hour to cook. So you could pop it in the oven and then have a lovely bath while you wait for it to cook!

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What you will need:
Weighing scales
Mixing bowl x 2 (you will split the mixture into two halves later)
Electric whisk or metal spoon*
2 spoons

8oz butter
8oz caster sugar
4 medium eggs
8oz self-raising flour
3 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp cocoa powder

1. Heat oven to 180C/Gas 160/gas mark 4.
Grease and line a 20cm cake tin with greaseproof paper.

2. I am a firm believer in the all in one method, so if you are similar to me, pop all the ingredients except the cocoa into a mixing bowl and combine. You can use an electric whisk if you are lazy like me, or be a badass and do it by hand.

(If you are a bit more careful and would prefer not to pop all the ingredients at once, beat the sugar and butter until light and fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time making sure they’re well mixed. Add the milk and vanilla extract, then fold in the flour.)
Whichever method you choose, make sure your mixture is smooth.

3. Divide the mixture between 2 bowls.
Stir the cocoa into one of the mixtures until nicely combined.


4. Take 2 spoons and dollop the vanilla mixture and cocoa mixture into the cake tin alternately. When you have used up all your mixture, tap the bottom of the cake tin on your work surface. This makes sure your mixture evenly covers the bottom of the tin, as well as getting rid of any air bubbles.

5. Use a skewer and swirl it around your mixture, this will create a marbled effect.


6. Bake your cake for 45-55 minutes. When you think it’s done, pop your skewer in the middle of the cake and if it comes out clean, it’s ready! Quick, pop it on a rack so it cools and you can eat it! Nom.

I really hope you enjoy this recipe and if you’d like me to post more please comment and I will be super happy to!!

Love Sophie xxx

Back to Blogging – Few random bits!

Back to Blogging – Few random bits!

Hello everybody!

Wow- I can’t even begin to describe how busy I have been the past couple of weeks; work, university work, and to top it off I have had the worst cold in the history of mankind over the week I was due a huge deadline.

But I am alive to tell tale and that is the important thing. I’ve come to realise that even in the toughest times as long as you have a smile on your face and keep reminding yourself what you are working so hard for, anything is possible. This may have been a tough, stressful and horrid few weeks but I can now say I have had a huge amount of happy moments.

10312663_10154940177855232_7488213640519505616_nI made a badass carrot cake.

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I  have managed to spend a lovely few days with my Mum drinking Christmas drinks and enjoying the lovely bacon, brie and cranberry panninis Costa have to offer! (I highly recommend!)


I put up my Christmas tree in my room woohoo! I also put up my favourite Christmas decoration and it made me all nostalgic; I hold Sydney, Australia very close to my heart and putting this decoration up bought back some unforgettable amazing memories.


Yes fog is an absolute nightmare, but I just love this weather. I get up very early for work due to a long commute so it’s mostly dark when I leave and dark when I return. But it all adds to the Wintery feeling, the twinkly lights are so lovely they make me smile every time 🙂

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On top of all my long tiring work days followed by hours of writing up my assignments I love to have a snuggle with my little chum Molly. She is quite possibly the love of my life. Ha.

I’ve probably spent most of my rest time in  bed/in my pyjamas and at last I feel like the stress has lifted slightly, and I can start to actually blog again! On Friday I went out with the girls for a curry, I then spent an absolute fortune over the weekend buying Christmas presents too oops!

I also found out my blogger pair for A Piece of Viola‘s Christmas Blogger Swap and I’m excited to get to know her and hopefully get her a lovely present 🙂 Anyone else who is signed up to this let me know!

And finally I promise to do another Teaday Tuesday ❤



Sophie xxxx

The Me Time Tag!

The Me Time Tag!

After reading this on the beautiful BambiLeigh’s blog, I thought I’d join in the fun!


– What do you watch or read during me-time?

I have a different film depending on mood or time of year! So it can either be Friends or Orange is the New Black if I’m just chilling.
I love watching films like Frozen, The Holiday, Love Actually if I’m feeling jolly!

– What do you wear during me-time?

My bambi jammies. Bliss.

– What are your me-time beauty products?

I love a face mask, either a lush one or I’ll use Soap and Glory Fab Pore. That one is just amazing, I feel so refreshed after I’ve used it and would recommend it to all!

– Current favourite nail polish?

This time of year is fab for nail colours. I love a plum colour, but my favourite at the moment is the Rimmel 60 seconds in ‘Rapid Ruby’. Its just lovely! I also have a beaut glittery gold for nights out, and I’ve already planned on wearing it for my work Christmas do!

– What do you eat/drink during me-time?

Anything unhealthy haha. I’m a huuuuge tea drinker so that, and what goes best with tea? A bit of home baked cake 😀

– Current favourite candle?

I have a lot of candles but right now my ultimate favourite is a woodwick candle; it crackles like a roaring fire and the smell is just the ultimate Autumn/Winter smell!

– Do you ever have outdoor me-time?

Sometimes, I’ll go for a walk usually with the dogs or go for a run down the country lanes.

– Would you ever go see a movie alone?

Nah, I have an irrational fear of cinema ghosts.

– Favourite online shop?

I have a few; Not on the High Street, Feel Unique and Dot Com Gift Shop!

– Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?

I browse through shop catalogues, do a heck of a lot of list writing as I have a manic work life, and I listen to music! I love going on youtube and watching the likes of Sprinkle of Glitter, Zoella, Lucy And Lydia, Rose and Rosie and Hannah Maggs!

I also love baking and putting all my energy into creating something that tastes delicious.

I tag all of my lovely fellow bloggers 🙂


Sophie xxx


November Favourites!

November Favourites!

Hello everybody!

This time of year is just my absolute favourite. Cold, crispy mornings, twinkly lights, hot chocolate, warm scarves and gloves, fireworks, I love it all. I have so many favourites at this time of year so I’ve narrowed it down to a smaller number, a bit of a range of things! Hope you enjoy them.


Ecotools Make up Brushes

DSCN0583These brushes are simply amazing. I swear by them and haven’t found any that even come close. The bamboo handle is smooth, the bristles are so soft they feel amazing. The aluminium ferrules is recycled, and the are 100% cruelty free.


Sleek Blush Palette

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The palette I have is called ‘Lace’ which has two intense matte shades; a coral and a bright red, and one rich shimmer which is a pinky colour. When looking for a new blush I wanted something really pigmented and relatively cheap, this palette is perfect. I wear this during the day but can also dress this up for night time make up.

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Varnish in Rapid Ruby


I got this nail varnish from my best friend as part of a Christmas box of goodies while I was in Australia. The colour just screams Christmas. I love to wear dark jeans with a chunky knit scream scarf and my black coat with red nails, it’s so wintery.

Bourjois Intense Extrait 01 – Biege Dore

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I love love love this eyeshadow. It is so shimery and perfect to illuminate your eyes. It brings out the blue in my eyes, which is why I love it, and the fact that once applied, my makeup is transformed. I love this when going out for dinner to add a little more shimmer, but you can really go to town with this too. A staple eyeshadow for me.

MAC lipstick in ‘Plumful’


This lipstick is my absolute favourite at the moment. The plum colour is perfect for Winter and it brings out the brightness and colour in my face without washing me out. I also feel like some red lipsticks tend to make teeth look slightly yellow. This plum colour makes my teeth look nice and bright!

L’Oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil Nourising Mask Balm


A lot of people talk about the summer drying out your hair, I find that my hair feels drier in the Winter. A combination of blowdrying my hair, straightening it and tying it up makes my ends dry and easily split. This mask is very affordable and I have found it really works. I left it in my hair for five minutes, and the result was soft smooth hair, it feels more voluminous and hydrated. A must have.

Sticky Toffee Latte – Costa


I won’t say much about this, just that I am now addicted.



Most people know I am an avid baker and spend most weekends baking something. This month has been no different. Last weekend I made a carrot cake but my favourite cake was the cupcake bouquet I made for my Mum’s birthday. I made chocolate cupcakes with a golden buttercream, piped on in a rose style and I made some leaves with green icing. I am so proud of myself, and I keep baking and improving; one day I might make a living from it!

What have been your favourites over November?

Have you tried or bought any of these products and what do you think?


 Sophie xxx


Ten Sentences That Changed My Perspective on Life

Ten Sentences That Changed My Perspective on Life

Hello everybody,

Having gone through some pretty tough times recently, one thing that has given me a bit of strength is looking at the quotes I believe have altered or affected my life in some way. Through relationships breaking down, my lovely Granny being in hospital and huge changes in terms of moving back to my parent’s house, now is as good a time as ever to remind myself of how great life can be.


‘Always remember that, nine times out of ten, you probably aren’t having a nervous breakdown, you just need a cup of tea and a biscuit.’

‘You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.’


‘Time heals everything. Give it time.’

‘It’s impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself.’


‘If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.’



I truly believe in channeling your emotions and turning whatever you feel – anger, sadness, grief, frustration amongst so many other feelings, into positive thoughts. Granted these quotes have not been the sole reason I am feeling particularly happy right now, but I feel they have helped me prioritize what is important in my life. I have also been thoroughly enjoying hour long commutes to work singing the Taylor Swift ‘1989’ album; the ultimate break up record, I have been drinking copious amounts of tea, baking and eating yummy cakes, and smothering and surrounding myself with family and friends.

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Here’s to happiness.


Sophie xxx
